Can You Visit a Podiatrist During the Pandemic?

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Foot & Ankle Associates of Cleveland has been open for our patients who need urgent care. Emergency podiatric conditions pose an immediate threat to your health and include
- Broken bones
- Sudden changes, such as swelling or numbness
- Wounds that aren’t healing – especially important for our patients with diabetes
- Constant pain in your lower limbs that impedes your ability to walk
So, we’ve been here all along for anyone who stepped on a nail, heard a bone snap, or watched their feet suddenly swell up like a balloon. But – good news – the Ohio Department of Health gave the all-clear earlier this month for non-essential medical surgeries and procedures to take place. Once again, you can opt to have bunion surgery, treat your fungal toenails, or get fitted for custom orthotics.
Foot and ankle care at home
If for any reason you’re still unsure about coming into a doctor’s office, please at least contact us to discuss your situation. It may be possible for you to treat a foot problem at home. For example, you can apply RICE treatment for a minor ankle sprain; nip an infection in the bud with antibiotic ointment and a bandage; you can even minimize the pain of numerous foot and toe problems simply by wearing the proper shoes or replacing worn-out shoes.
Certainly, home care only goes so far. Pain in your feet or ankles that lasts more than a few days or that gets worse should be treated by our expert podiatrists, Dr. Craig B. Frey and Dr. Megan L. Oltmann. If you live in Cuyahoga, Summit, Portage, or Geauga Counties, call our podiatry office in the historic district of Solon, Ohio at (440) 903-1041. You can also click here to make an appointment online. We offer early, late, and Saturday hours by appointment.