What are Bone Spurs?

What are Bone Spurs?

Spurs are small bits of bone that grow abnormally out of regular bone. They can form when surrounding soft tissues (like ligaments and tendons) and the places where they meet (in your joints) become inflamed. To illustrate what that means, here are two scenarios in which bone spurs can form in your feet: Let’s say…

Your Aching Toes

Your Aching Toes

Toes – what are they good for? Well, for one thing, they help us keep our balance. To prove it, try this brief, toe-less experiment: -Stand on one foot and lift your toes off the ground. -Hang out for a bit. -Now, place your toes back on the ground. -Hang out some more. -Admit: it…

Caring for the Aging Foot

Caring for the Aging Foot

So here we are at the beginning of another new year. 2017 already? Wasn’t it just yesterday that Katie Couric was marveling at saying “2000” for the very first time? And what’s happened to our bodies in the last 17 years – or since we were kids? Are we feeling the signs of age? Anyone…

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