3 Outstanding Ways to Avoid Sports Injuries of the Feet and Ankles

3 Outstanding Ways to Avoid Sports Injuries of the Feet and Ankles

Sports injuries are simply unavoidable when you’re rapidly chasing balls, wielding long sticks, traversing uneven terrain, purposely falling onto the ground, and repeatedly crashing into other humans. Playing sports pushes your body to its limits – sometimes beyond its limits. That’s when injuries occur. And the feet and ankles are no strangers to limit-pushing sports…

Do You Need a Podiatrist?

Do You Need a Podiatrist?

When you’ve got a health issue, it’s good to call your primary care provider for help. From there, your PCP might refer you to a specialist. A cardiologist (heart doctor) for a heart arrhythmia. A dermatologist (skin doctor) for a suspicious-looking mole on your back. A gastroenterologist (stomach and intestinal specialist) if you’re overdue for that…

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