Do You Need a Podiatrist?

Do You Need a Podiatrist?

When you’ve got a health issue, it’s good to call your primary care provider for help. From there, your PCP might refer you to a specialist. A cardiologist (heart doctor) for a heart arrhythmia. A dermatologist (skin doctor) for a suspicious-looking mole on your back. A gastroenterologist (stomach and intestinal specialist) if you’re overdue for that…

Oh, Your Swollen Feet!

Oh, Your Swollen Feet!

The Washington Post recently featured a series of articles revealing this interesting fact: not everybody loves summer. Apparently, some people dislike longer days. They find that the neighborhood won’t quiet down in time to get the kids to sleep. Or, sunlight blazes into their bedroom and wakes them up with the birds. Furthermore, anxiety and…

8 Ways to Treat Your Feet

8 Ways to Treat Your Feet

April is Foot Health Awareness Month! So it’s a great time to “step” back and think about all the ways you can be nice to your feet. Here are 8 suggestions from all of us at Foot & Ankle Associates of Cleveland. Get a pedicure. If you’ve never had one, we encourage both men and…

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