3 Outstanding Ways to Avoid Sports Injuries of the Feet and Ankles

Sports injuries are simply unavoidable when you’re rapidly chasing balls, wielding long sticks, traversing uneven terrain, purposely falling onto the ground, and repeatedly crashing into other humans. Playing sports pushes your body to its limits – sometimes beyond its limits. That’s when injuries occur.
And the feet and ankles are no strangers to limit-pushing sports injuries. Unless you’re a wheelchair athlete, your feet and ankles are generally involved in every play. They support your weight, absorb the shock of running, and withstand quick pivots, starts, and stops.
A quick internet search of the term “sports injuries” yields millions of hits from collegiate and professional sports of all kinds, a large percentage of which are foot and ankle injuries. They include acute injuries, such as broken bones, ankle sprains, and midfoot strains, as well as overuse injuries that develop over time, such as stress fractures, tendonitis, and plantar fasciitis.
You can help prevent sports-related injuries like these when you follow these three pieces of advice:
- Remember to warm up. Don’t skip this step of easing into exercise, especially if you’re playing outdoors in cold weather. Perform easy foot and ankle stretches such as standing heel and toe raises. Strengthen your ankles by balancing on one leg for 30-60 seconds. Warm up your calves with front and side lunges
- Use the proper equipment. The proper equipment starts with the right shoes. They should be athletic shoes designed for your particular sport. Replace shoes that are worn out and no longer supportive. In addition, make sure your other gear, including protective pads and helmets, is in tip-top shape.
- Pace yourself. Overtraining is a sure path to injury. Don’t do too much at once, increase your pace or hours gradually, and include rest days in your training schedule.
Our experienced podiatric surgeons, Dr. Craig B. Frey, Dr. Megan L. Oltmann, Dr. Jim Swienconek, Dr. Rachel Robinson, and Dr. Courtney Yoder, can help you heal when acute or chronic sports injuries pull you out of the game. Call Foot & Ankle Associates of Cleveland in Solon, Ohio at (440) 903-1041 or contact us online to schedule a consultation. We offer a modern office with the latest technology for podiatric patients in Portage, Geauga, Cuyahoga, and Summit Counties, proudly serving our patients from Solon, Aurora, Bedford, Chagrin Falls, Hudson, Macedonia, and Twinsburg.