Check for Skin Cancer Using the Alphabet

This UV Safety Awareness Month, we want to remind you to lather your feet with SPF 30+ lotion when exposed to the sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays. We also recommend regular body checks at home, including the skin on your feet. Checking your body for signs of skin cancer is as easy as ABC.
Keep in mind, though, that diagnosing yourself with skin cancer is a different story. That’s not easy. A definitive diagnosis of skin cancer will require a professional medical opinion. However, the earlier the diagnosis, the better your chances of beating it. That’s why self-checks are so important.
How to check your skin using letters
When you check your skin, look for moles or other skin lesions. Then, start going through the alphabet and ask yourself the following questions:
- A Is the mole round, with each half like the other? Or is the shape asymmetrical?
- B Are the borders clean and even? Or are they more jagged and notched?
- C Is the mole evenly colored? Or are there multiple colors?
If you answer “yes” to the first question in each category, that’s good news. Any asymmetry, uneven borders, or color changes may indicate skin cancer.
Keep going with the next two letters:
- D Is the mole larger than ¼ inch?
- E Does the skin lesion look the same over time, or has it evolved into something else?
Large skin lesions and those that look different from before should raise a red flag.
Our experienced podiatric surgeons, Dr. Craig B. Frey, Dr. Megan L. Oltmann, and Dr. Jim Swienconek, can help evaluate skin lesions on your feet and lower legs. Rest assured that when we examine you for any podiatric problem that brings you into our office, we’ll also look out for anything on your skin that’s unusual or concerning. To schedule a consultation, call Foot & Ankle Associates of Cleveland in Solon, Ohio, at (440) 903-1041 or contact us online. We offer a modern office with the latest technology for podiatric patients in Portage, Geauga, Cuyahoga, and Summit Counties, proudly serving our patients from Solon, Aurora, Bedford, Chagrin Falls, Hudson, Macedonia, and Twinsburg.